Story lines on the most popular shows among teens/tween are sending the message to our daughters that being sexualized isn’t just acceptable, it should be sought after. There are many shows I've seen on cartoon-network , Disney , 4kids TV , Nick. Jr, Nick , Nick-toon's , Teenick , and as well as Disney Jr.
This television show use to be one of my favorites when I was in my teens/tweens, but once I blossomed into adulthood, I found out that this is just just unacceptable for young girls. Younger Adults, Kids will pass this show off and say " They're like 16 & 17, it's expected for them to dress like that. At least you don't see them flinging themselves at guys or That we've missed the entire point of the show" Those kind of comments right there mean that the subliminal messaging has worked, and that's why it's important to understand how deep this actually goes.
Parents need to know that the main characters in this fantasy cartoon aimed at young girls wear minimal clothing that shows off their impossible body proportions. In other words, this show does little to promote positive body image in its young audience, since what kids see on-screen is an unattainable goal. Stereotyping is strong in a few of the teens, who moon over boys and talk about dating; evolving relationships mean there's some kissing, also cheating has been shown throughout this show. Girls will think they need to be that skinny and their self confidence will be damaged. he girls have boyfriends in the show and are always kissing, its disgusting. Little girls attract two colors, love fairy dresses, and will imitate what they see on television (I would know because I use to be one of those little girls who fell for the subliminal messaging subconsciously).
What messages does that reinforce?
They are constantly mentioning fashion, which makes little girls think the way they dress is supposed to be fashionable and therefore the way girls should dress. I think the worst it gets is when they are on some ice world and one of the characters has made a special outfit to keep the cold out, which was effectively a glorified bra and mini skirt, then you wonder why your child is starting to attract celebrities who dress that way. Short mini skirt, mid thigh stockings, tiny bare midriff, and tight shirts over big boobs.
Instead of kids wanting to where dresses like this
ReplyDeleteIn this movie for example.... it starts with a dragon dropping fire and with some young girls dressed in black dresses with hoods very similiar to the ones used in satanic rituals (I know their symbols because I saw many testimonies of ex satanists). I wonder how can there be so many occult symbols in the cartoons nowadays and how long will it last untill we will agree this is wrong....